We’re now officially in holiday mode, a festive time of the year filled with family gatherings, parties, special events and food and drink. Take care not to overindulge with all the fun and be sure to maintain your exercise plan over the holidays.
Make your health – mental and physical – a priority and you’ll keep the holidays free of stress and those unwanted pounds.
We asked some of the 2017 Wellness Show exhibitors to share some tips to help you get through the holiday season with your sanity (and waistline!) intact.
Winter months often conjure up visions of families and friends spending time around the hearth, telling stories, sharing in laughter and nourishing one another with warm meals and loving connections. Use this time to stay connected and supported by your tribe and in return offer the same strength to those you love. The reciprocation of the positive feedback loop your love creates can lift spirits in the darkest of hours. — Karen Hantke, Harmonic Arts
The best way to prepare your body for a surprise stress scare is to take care of yourself. Exercise, eat healthy, get enough sleep and make your own happiness a priority! Our go-to product this time of year is our PureFood B. It offers a burst of revitalizing B vitamins that give your body a jolt of plant based energy. — Talia Wiebe, Pranin Organics
The higher the percentage of real nutrition dense green food you enjoy in your daily diet, the less cravings you will have and the better you can balance “not so healthy” foods. During the holidays, try to get in at least one super food green juice or smoothie per day. — Stephan Wilmes, The Alkaline Diet Guy
In terms of a less stressful holiday, I think it’s important to remember to have everything prepared beforehand. Whether entertaining a small get-together or a large bash choose dishes that are cold and can be prepared a day or two in advance or dishes that require little supervision to cook (such as a potato gratin). — Curtis Luk, Executive Chef & Owner, Mission Kitsilano
Despite what the skin care industry tells you, the only way to healthy skin is by fixing your digestion. Eating the wrong types of foods can cause inflammation in your gut which in turn leads to a host of chronic health issues. Aid digestion and keep your gut happy this holiday season by eating a variety of probiotic (leafy greens) and prebiotic (garlic, leeks, brussels sprouts) whole plant foods and incorporate gelatin or bone broth into your daily arsenal to rebuild your damaged intestinal lining. — Connor Meakin, purebonebroth.co
The fun and excitement of the holiday season may also bring unwanted stress. You can be proactive about easing stress before it becomes too deeply rooted in your body. Schedule stress-busters into your daily routine like taking a 10-minute walk, savouring a cup of herbal tea, or colouring. Enjoy a relaxing aromatic bath once or twice a week. Stir five to seven drops of essential oil (rose, lavender, or chamomile are good choices) into a cup (250 mL) of epsom salts, then add to running bath water. Mix well before stepping in and enjoying a long soak. — Healingscents.net
Many of us claim not to have time to exercise. Even if that’s true, you can still be physically active. Physical activity simply means moving your body. With such a broad definition this really does include almost anything: walking, taking the stairs, standing while on transit, using a stand-up desk while working, gardening, housework, etc. Start incorporating more physical activity into your daily routine! — Jeff Doyle, Personal Trainer, Function Health Club
DIY Brown Sugar Scrub: spoon out 1/4 cup Naked Coconuts Virgin Coconut Oil into a bowl. Add 1/2 cup brown sugar and then mush and mix together until there are no clumps. Add in a few drops of your favourite essential oil if desired. In the shower, rub a spoonful at a time in circular motions all over your body for soft and moisturized winter skin. You can also package these up in mason jars to give away as gifts! — Paul Gill, Naked Coconuts
The best way to avoid a hangover is to not overindulge. But if you do wake up with a pounding head the morning after the office Christmas party, take a dose of B-Complex vitamins and couple that with milk thistle. B vitamins help break down and eliminate alcohol from the body and milk thistle supports detoxifying your liver. — Frédéric Boucher, LandArt.ca
Save the date!
The Wellness Show will take place from March 3 to March 5, 2017 at the Vancouver Convention Centre West, 1055 Canada Place in downtown Vancouver. Tickets are available online or at the door. Unwatermarked images courtesy of The Wellness Show.