Tiffany Oakridge opening

Many smiles greeted us this morning as Tiffany Oakridge opened its doors for the first time today.

Tiffany Oakridge opening

Tiffany Oakridge opening

Breakfast at Tiffany was the theme of the opening, as media and photographers were invited to peruse the beautiful trademark jewellery, accessories, and think holiday shopping along with a glass of freshly-squeezed juice, coffee, or breakfast canapés in hand.

Tiffany Oakridge opening
[Quail egg with caviar]

Tiffany Oakridge opening

Tiffany is decidedly on every woman’s shopping list; their flagship openings bring out celebrities from all corners of the globe.

Tiffany Oakridge opening

The jewellery is timeless and Tiffany’s glamour is sought out from movie stars to housewives.

Tiffany Oakridge opening

Tiffany Oakridge opening

Tiffany Oakridge opening

The ribbon cutting took place just past 9 am, with several Tiffany executives in town from around Canada and the US to take in the festive milestone.

Tiffany Oakridge opening

Tiffany Oakridge opening

Tiffany Oakridge opening

Tiffany Oakridge is officially open. Let the shopping begin!

Tiffany Oakridge opening

Photos by Ariane Colenbrander.

1 Comment

  • Comment by Naghmeh — December 8, 2011 @ 8:49 am

    I swoooooon! everything is just so so pretty, words just will not do them justice!

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