Intrigued by what Science World is like after hours? Interested in mingling with a glass of wine or beer in hand while playing Mad Scientist with the other “big kids?” Science World at TELUS World of Science is hosting their next After Dark (Adults Only) evening on Friday, August 20th. That’s three hours to roam a building usually overrun with children.
I was invited to attend the previous After Dark event on July 16th. 80’s music played to match the event theme. Several people were dressed in the era’s requisite leg warmers and skinny fluorescent tights. The Velcro Wall and Eureka! Gallery were among the popular areas comprising both floors of Science World.
The August event will feature improv, an adult science show, and open labs for guests to do their own chemistry experiments. All of the galleries will be open for perusing. The staff will also be breaking out the Van de Graff generator, creating their own special mix of bubbles galore (adult size bubbles to fit inside of!), and conducting several exploding experiments.
There will be two cash bars available for beer and wine: near the entrance and upstairs in the Eureka! gallery.
Tickets are $19.75 and can be purchased in advance by email or by phoning 604.443.7500.