Connor Roff is a fresh face gradually taking the Vancouver indie music scene by storm. Originally from England, Roff moved to Vancouver at the age of seven. Though classically trained on the piano, he’s a self-taught guitarist and singer/songwriter fusing folk, rock, soul, and acoustic sounds with a British twist.
I met Connor last month at the Stanley Park Brewery beer garden stage where he gave a few very entertaining performances between Live at Second Stage acts.
He’s now very excited to record his debut EP with producer and local singer/songwriter Winston Hauschild (Hannah Georgas, Hey Ocean!, Wanting) in September.
[Connor Roff at Vancouver FanClub]
To be able to afford the recording and release of this album, Connor has begun fundraising through Indiegogo. His goal is to raise at least $5,000 which will help with the album’s production, tracking, merchandise, touring and more. Perks for contributing include signed copies of the EP, personalized songs, music lessons from Roff and even an intimate backyard acoustic concert for you and your friends.
For more information on Roff’s Indiegogo campaign and where to donate, visit the campaign page.
Any and all support is greatly appreciated. Even if you can’t donate, feel free to share the campaign page through word of mouth and social media.
Disclaimer: I was not paid to endorse Connor. I simply want to see him propel further into his career so that others may enjoy his sound.