A couple of weeks ago, I relocated my first camera, stored for years in its case. The Kodak Instamatic 110 was a hip little gadget in its day, complete with stickers to personalize it.
What I hadn’t realized (or somehow forgotten about, maybe due to having received a newer camera?) was that a used roll of film sat in the camera for decades. I contacted London Drugs, and to my luck, 110 rolls are still processed locally.
It took about a week to get the photos back, but I’m happy to report that all 12 exposures were printed out!
Now, if I could only figure out the event I was at when these were taken. I’ve included three shots, the rest are subtle variations of these. To my closest approximation, it looks as though I was at a soccer event with my family.
You’ll have to imagine the rest of the colour spectrum in these photos. Unfortunately, due to the years, all the other colours have been lost.
I find it pretty remarkable that something photographed 35 years ago (give or take a couple) can still be produced on today’s machinery!