Smoke starts to fill the tiny black and red stage smack in the middle of the Cultch’s Historic Theatre. The lights dim, and out come Die Roten Punkte, ready to rock.
Die Roten Punkte opened The Cultch’s 2012/2013 season last night bringing their latest rock tour, Eurosmash, to Vancouver. Brother and sister duo Astrid and Otto Rot are back for a sixth visit to our fair city, picking up where third CD “Kunst Rock (Art Rock)” left off. 75 minutes of antics, songs, and two talented artists in the zaniest outfits had the audience roaring with laughter right through to the encore, “Rock Bang“. This is not your typical rock band.
Kicking things off is “Do You Speak Dance?”, clocking in at 120 beats per minute, perfect for “making a party with someone.” Energy, jokes, brother and sisterly love/tension add up to another sensational evening of fun. Both Astrid and Otto have excellent comedic timing and make their time on stage look effortless, even though it must take a lot of practice to make it look that natural, right down to Astrid’s attempts at getting onto the stage in her skin-tight silvery red ensemble. Die Roten Punkte’s (The Red Dots) band name plays off the more famous real-life ex-White Stripes.
I’ve seen this duo perform all six times in Vancouver and they only get tighter with each tour. No longer playing the Fringe Festival circuit, they’ve moved up and are now performing at larger venues around the globe.
Here’s hoping they make it to their dream rock tour city, Tokyo (aka Toyko)!
If you haven’t yet caught the Berlin duo (who hail from Australia), now’s your chance. They’re here for only five more performances before moving on to Victoria, then back to their neck of the woods to play New Zealand’s Nelson Arts Festival. Visit The Cultch website for tickets.