Vancouver’s first cold-pressed, organic juice bar just opened in Kitsilano. Krokodile Pear, a take on “alligator pear” (krokodile is Dutch for crocodile), is owner Nick Lewis’ new venture. After having lived in The Netherlands (Amsterdam) for nearly two years, he decided to return to Vancouver to open a shop geared to healthy lifestyles. Nick came up with the concept while in Amsterdam (home to artery cloggers patat friet served with dollops of mayo, and bitterballen, deep-fried minced beef or veal balls).
I met with Nick at his busy shop on West 1st Avenue (near Cypress Street), and shared similar stories of living in the land of cheese and wooden shoes. We both agreed that Vancouver is the perfect spot to open a shop embracing vegan, raw, and organic foodstuffs.
Welsh-born Lewis utilizes a hydraulic juicer that keeps both heat and oxygen from entering the juice. Using this cold-pressed process, no juice remains in the fruit pulp, therefore getting every drop of valuable nutrient into the cups he sells, ranging in price from $7 to $9.50.
Shots of juices are also on the menu ($2.50; $6 for a flight of four on a cleverly-designed wooden cheese board with holes cut to fit the glasses).
[The Capilano smoothie: cucumber, celery, beet, apple, pineapple, and lime, blended with avocado and banana]
There’s also a selection of smoothies. The Jericho (with apple, lime, mint, and banana; $7.50) is a popular draw, as is the Deep Cove (greens, cucumber, celery, apple, lime, ginger blended with avocado and spinach) at $8.50 a cup.
[Front to back, L-R: Cucumber/celery, Savasana, Amazing Laughter, Kicking Horse]
I tried a flight with cucumber/celery (modified from the Greens juice that normally contains kale, spinach, parsley, and celery), Savasana (cucumber/orange), Amazing Laughter (apple/lime), and Kicking Horse (lime/ginger). While the latter wasn’t necessarily my thing, I really enjoyed the cucumber celery (so refreshing!) and Savasana juices.
Alongside the juices and smoothies are a selection of organic, raw vegan snacks from Tao Organics (North Vancouver), Zimt artisan chocolates, and Nud Fud (Toronto-based, former Dragon’s Den success story).
Nick looks for small, quality producers that can offer both organic and vegan snack options, not always an easy combination to find!
Krokodile Pear is located at 1867 West 1st Avenue in Vancouver’s Kitsilano.