On June 5 from noon to 8 pm, come experience Italian Day on Commercial Drive! Vancouver’s Italian community will celebrate La Dolce Vita by way of food, music, entertainment, sports, dance, art and community spirit.
The Drive will be closed to vehicles between Venables Street to the Grandview Cut during those hours. Expect to enjoy side street and park activities as the entire area will experience Vancouver’s “Little Italy”. Over 50,000 of your closest friends and Italian lovers will join you there!
Some of Italian Day’s highlights will include:
– Musical entertainment and performances
– Italian cars, motorcycles, and scooters
– Italian cuisine, including product showcases, street vendors, and restaurants
– Bocce ball, soccer games and mini F1 race cars
– Italian art
– An “All That is Italian” fashion show
– Folkloric Italian contests and demonstrations
– “Little Italy” Playground for kids (supervised games & crafts)
Visit the event’s Facebook page for the latest information. In addition, volunteers are being sought for the event. If you’re interested (or know of anyone who might be), complete the online form to be included in this year’s volunteer crew.
The celebration is in conjunction with both Italy’s 150th anniversary of unification and Vancouver’s 125th birthday.
Viva l’Italia e benvenuti a tutti!