From October 8 through 22, The Fifth Annual Vancouver Sustenance Festival will examine words such as “sustainability” and “living green” through a series of interactive dialogues and presentations that shed light on how we can contribute to a better living experience within our communities. Vancouver’s Sustenance Festival will spread across the city this year in order to educate all neighbourhoods about the importance of green living both locally and globally.
Events will range from seed saving to World Indigenous and World Food Day celebrations, all hosted by leaders in our community with a focus on experiencing our city through a lighter environmental footprint.
[EPIC Sustainable Living Festival, Vancouver 2013]
Note: not all events are listed on the website calendar. I’ve listed below the information available as of this writing.
[2013 Joy of Feeding at UBC Farm, Vancouver]
Sustenance Festival Highlights:
October 8
Neighbourhood Potluck, Heritage Hall, 3201 Main Street, Vancouver
October 10
Backyard Chickens, Strathcona Community Centre, 601 Keefer Street, Vancouver
Eating Green, Choices Kitsilano, 2627 West 16th Avenue, Vancouver
October 12
Neighbourhood Potluck, 5988 Nanaimo Street (corner of 45th), South Vancouver
Paper Saver Workshop, Marpole
First Peoples Food Sharing Ritual, Grandview Woodlands
October 13
World Indigenous Day, Roundhouse Community Centre, Yaletown
October 14
Cob Pizza and Bread Baking, Hastings Sunrise
October 15
Garden Tours, Hastings Community Learning Garden, East Hastings and Lillooet Streets, Vancouver
The Art of Food Drying, Storing and Saving, West End
October 16
World Food Day “Right to Food”, Roundhouse Community Centre, Yaletown
October 17
Crazy Kale, Clinton Park (Slocan and Grant Street, by the field house)
Taste the Westside Food Community, Kitsilano Community Centre
October 18
Fall Harvest Community Dance, Trout Lake Community Centre, 3360 Victoria Drive (Grandview & Lakewood rooms)
October 19
Seed Saving, Mt. Pleasant Community Centre, 1 Kingsway, Vancouver
What’s Cooking, DTES Neighbourhood House, 573 East Hastings Street
Potluck and Visioning Session, Marpole Place House, 1305 W. 70th Avenue (Old Firehall)
Dialogue on Access to Healthy Food for All People, Britannia Community Centre, Upstairs Canuck Family Education Centre, 1661 Napier Street, Vancouver
October 20
Bike Maintenance, Roundhouse Roundhouse Community Centre, Yaletown
RIPE: Vancouver Farmers Market Dinner, Roundhouse Community Centre, Yaletown
October 21
Canning and Preserving, Strathcona Community Centre, 601 Keefer Street, Vancouver
October 22
Cultivating a Lighter Footprint: An Interactive Evening, Museum of Vancouver, 1100 Chestnut Street, Vancouver
Visit the Sustenance Festival website for more information.