Blue Man Group is best known for their wildly popular theatrical shows featuring three bald and blue characters combining comedy, music, and technology to produce a truly unique form of entertainment. A show often difficult to describe, Blue Man Group is an experience that leaves the entire audience in a blissful, euphoric state. With no spoken language, Blue Man Group is perfect for people of all ages, languages, and cultures. A live band, whose haunting tribal rhythms help drive the show to its climax, accompanies the Blue Men.
The theatrical tour features brand new content highlighted by classic Blue Man favorites. The new sound, set, and video design centering around a proscenium-sized LED curtain and high-resolution screen create an entirely new, high-impact visual experience for Broadway houses across the nation.
The New York Times heralds the show as “One of the most delightful performance pieces ever staged.” E! Entertainment News exclaims, “Blue Man Group is what every live performance aspires to be.” The Baltimore Sun raves, “Blue Man Group packs a wallop. It’s a big, loud, funny, silly, visually arresting production!”
Experience the Blue Man Group phenomenon, guaranteed to be an outing that you’ll never forget.
Tickets for the Broadway Across Canada Vancouver Season Special shows will go on sale starting Monday, December 16, but if you use my presale code (PONCHO), you’ll get the best seats ahead of the crowd.
Broadway Across Canada presents Blue Man Group
Dates: March 25 to 30, 2014; Tuesday through Saturday, 8 pm; Saturday and Sunday, 2 pm matinee; Sunday, 7:30 pm
Venue: Queen Elizabeth Theatre, 649 Cambie Street, Vancouver
Tickets: Available online or via phoning 1.855.985.5000; use my presale code “PONCHO”
Note: Presale code is valid from December 11, 10 am to December 15, 10 pm only.
For Group Ticket purchases of 10 or more, phone 1.800.889.8457.
Photo by ©Paul Kolnik.