Back for its 31st edition, the Vancouver Fringe Festival takes place September 10 to 20 and features 108 shows. We’ve been part of the Fringe for 10 years now and are happy to announce that we’re covering the festival’s must-see picks, so stay tuned as our writer Cora Li gets her fix of shows for another round-up!
[The OC Musical; photo by Angela Wong]
In 11 days, you can feast on a huge variety of shows, from one-person productions to musicals. Bring Your Own Venue (BYOV) has also grown in popularity and allows performers to put on their shows in some pretty unique spots around the city.
Site-specific work has been one of the Fringe Festival’s greatest achievements, turning Granville Island (and beyond) into a showcase of emerging talent from all over the globe.
Tickets are now available online and the program (25.8 MB) can either be digitally downloaded or found at numerous Vancouver locations.
Check the website and if you’re unsure about what to see, take a gamble! Tickets are only $14 (including fees and tax), and many artists start their run with a half-price show. You can also choose from 4 ($40), 10 ($90) or 30-show Frequent Fringer passes ($270), and tickets can be booked in advance or redeemed at the door (provided the show’s not sold out).
The Big Rock Brewery Fringe Bar is the heart of the action during the Festival, with live music and more every night on the Barefoot Wine & Bubbly Stage.