It’s the return of the Victory Square Block Party! Enjoy a day of free entertainment on Sunday, September 4, from 2 to 9 pm at Victory Square Park (200 West Hastings, Vancouver).
The lineup this year includes Megamail, Haleluya Hailu, Cherry Blu, Felisha and the Jazz Rejects, Pudding, Kamikaze Nurse and Big City.
Sponsored by Mint Records, Girls Rock Camp Vancouver, VOKRA, Good Night Out, UNYA, Radar Below, Vancity Office of Community Engagement and SFU, there will be a raffle in support of Megaphone Magazine.
There will also be some great vendors on site to add to the festivities.
Come on down and enjoy summer’s last splash! Red Gates Art Society will host an after party starting at 9 pm (1965 Main Street) with karaoke and DJs.
Not able to make the event in person? Then tune in from the comfort of your home as the block party will be live-streamed (with the generous help of CJSF).