Last week, I headed out on my bike for a solo mission in search of a cool mural by Vancouver mural artist iHeart. Sadly, the under-the-Burrard Bridge-based mural was painted over by the city in a likely attempt to discourage groups of Instagrammers trying to take selfies with it.
My friend and fellow namesake Ariane Behrend was able to get this shot in time. This got me thinking of others in the community. As a result, I began a storm of messages on Facebook Messenger and Instagram to see how fellow friends and bloggers/media contacts have been faring these past few weeks.
Most are fortunately still healthy, but we still must keep our distance in a continually grim world which will hopefully see a glimmer of hope as a result of everyone cooperating and physically distancing themselves from others.
Our contributors are all OK, some dealing with being a home with their kids, others going at it solo and hoping their parents are keeping well from a distance. One friend and her husband have both since lost their jobs and are scrambling to stay healthy and financially stable in a one-bedroom apartment, another friend recently returned home from South America and is under mandatory 14-day self-quarantine.
Reaching out to my hairdresser over the phone paints a grimmer scenario. He’s obviously had to close his salon and his wife was also laid off from her job at YVR Airport. They have two sons and a mortgage. He’s anxious to see the day when he can re-open his doors for business. Too many of us will wind up knowing a favourite restaurant or shop that will not have survived the COVID-19 pandemic.
Another good friend raised a valid point via a recent direct message: What will the world look like in six months?
I am now over my 14-day quarantine and have made lists of what needs purchasing for our household, in order to minimize potential virus exposure. I wear gloves and a BUFF neck gaiter pulled up high to cover my nostrils in order to protect against droplets and to avoid touching my own face.
It’s these small details that will forever define the COVID-19 pandemic for me. That, and on the lighter side, being able to hear so many more birds in the morning due to lessened traffic. Did I mention how amazing our neighbourhood smells since so many more are at home and cooking during the day?
My husband is working from home indefinitely (we fall into the fortunate category of him able to keep his job). Each day, I get out for a power walk or bike ride and try to get one thing done in the household that was put off during busier times.
Will the warmer weather signal a quicker pass to the end of COVID-19? Can we count on a vaccine or cure next year should this monster resurface? And how many of us will have to say goodbye to close friends or loved ones in 2020?
I hope that you’re all braving the media storm and putting aside time to watch a good comedy or love story. Or even breaking out a board game that’s been stored away in the back of your closet or on top of your bookshelf.