It truly isn’t enough to graduate from a design school anymore. Knowing for example how to navigate your business plan, devise a proposal, and understand the important legal aspects surrounding intellectual property are equally important in order to be successful in this highly-competitive industry.
I just finished reading this book and found its value worthy of a mention on my site.
Shel Perkins’ book, Talent is Not Enough: Business Secrets For Designers, bridges all aspects of the design career into one resource. It’s a must-read for those starting out. The overview of what to expect and how to grow from a student intern through to owning your own design company (and building your physical space for maximum creative potential) is all here, smartly presented in chronological order.
I found the sections focusing on design teams and hiring and working with a sales rep a refreshing read. Don’t be daunted by the book’s smaller-than-usual font size: it won’t take long to dig in and get through the book from cover to cover.
Even if you’re a seasoned professional, there will undoubtably be chapters in the book that will appeal to you. Some of the more in-depth challenges of running a firm are rarely brought up in design courses. I wish there was a book this comprehensive while I was in school.
Shel Perkins, former AIGA (American Institute of Graphic Designers) National Representative and honorary AIGA Fellow, has taught, consulted, managed, and written numerous books and workshops. He currently teaches at the California College of the Arts, the Academy of Art in San Francisco, and the University of California.