Lego Pop-Up Bar, Vancouver

Lego fans, take note: this summer, a colourful pop-up Lego bar will become part of Vancouver’s urban bar scene. Imagine a space consisting of over one million bricks.

The Australian-based group behind another unique upcoming event, Hot Tub Cinema, will see to the transport and assembly of the iconic bricks in each city the pop-up takes form. Canadian stops include Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto and Montreal.

[Photos © 2018 Ariane Colenbrander/]

There will be Lego sculptures as well an abundance of stray bricks for visitors to shape into whatever strikes their fancy.

This pop-up’s described as the ultimate nostalgia trip, so make sure to sign up on the website so you’ll be among the first to know when and where the pop-up hits town in June.

Lego Pop-Up Bar, Vancouver

Since the Lego bar will be serving alcohol, entry is 19+. Tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Note that the Lego Bar is not affiliated in any way with LEGO®.

Where not expressly mentioned, photos courtesy of Legobar.

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