The Boys Upstairs Equity Co-op presents Glory Days, a new musical based on James Gardiner’s script. The story follows four best friends who reunite a year after high school graduation, finding greater changes in their lives than expected. Their plan is to catch up, relive some of the good old (glory) days, and pick up their friendships right where they left off. This turns out not being an easy thing to do in the end.
A pack of football team-rejected misfits, their reunion reveals some big changes. Jack has gone on a road trip of self-exploration, Skip is fed up with his generation, Andy can’t handle the changes in his friends, and Will sees himself as the glue that holds everyone together.
Set to a pop rock score by Nick Blaemire, Glory Days is a poignant and witty coming of age story about friends searching for understanding and validation as they face the consequences of growing up.
After discovering a cast recording of this new musical, Darren Burkett introduced his three best friends (Adam Charles, Brandyn Eddy, and Colin Sheen) to Glory Days. Upon listening to the cast recording and reading the script, the four decided that they were ready to take on the project, and will bring Glory Days to The Cultch for 10 days in mid January.
Starring some of Vancouver’s hottest musical theatre talent, Glory Days is directed by actress/up and coming director Sara-Jeanne Hosie.
Glory Days
Venue: The Cultch Vancity Culture Lab, 1895 Venables Street, Vancouver
Dates: January 18 to 28, 2012
January 18 to 25: Wednesday to Saturday, 8 pm
January 26 to 31: Tuesday to Saturday, 8 pm
January 18 and 25: 1 pm matinee
January 21, 22, and 28: 2 pm matinee
Tickets: $18 to $25 (including HST). To book, call 604.251.1363 or visit The Cultch online.
All photos courtesy of Paul H Wright.