Earlier this week, I covered the Birthday Live celebration for the City of Vancouver’s website. Here are some of my favourite photos that captured the historical day.

Uzume Taiko drummers Uzume Taiko drummers

Birthday Live Jack Poole Plaza-11 mmHoP: Hop-Jump-Jive mmHoP: Hop-Jump-Jive Birthday Live Jack Poole Plaza-33 Street food carts Leela Gilday Four Host Nations Ceremony The crowd grows Four Host Nations Ceremony Four Host Nations Ceremony Birthday Live Jack Poole Plaza-65 The city, on a cake! The city, on a cake! Birthday Live Jack Poole Plaza-102 Vancouver Bach Choir Vancouver Bach Choir Birthday Live Jack Poole Plaza-85 Philipp Geist Bend Sinister Bend Sinister Bend Sinister Birthday Live Jack Poole Plaza-98 Birthday Live Jack Poole Plaza-100TimeDrifts, by Philipp Geist TimeDrifts, by Philipp Geist TimeDrifts, by Philipp Geist TimeDrifts, by Philipp Geist 54-40 54-40 54-40 Birthday Live Jack Poole Plaza-132


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